Wednesday 2 November 2016

Inference Sheet

Walt identify possible inferences by using the clues in the text.
This work was easy because most of the clues could connect to what the book is try to tell us.
 Next time I need to work on making questions for myself or other people.

Tuesday 25 October 2016


In class we have been learning to classify angles.  
We have learnt type, size and what what they look like.
I enjoyed learning about the type of degrees of all the type of angles.
I need to work on drawing the type of angles in different ways.

Monday 12 September 2016

Visaulising The Evil Drinking Fountain T3

In this work we had to draw apart of the book that we found interesting.
What I found interesting right after the lady drank from the fountain she nearly really badly injured herself.
I enjoyed this work because we got to visualize what would happen next or what happened.
Next time I need to work on increasing the space in my drawing with details.

Friday 2 September 2016

Pacific Preformance

Reflection : 
In our Pacific bundle we have 5 different groups, Hawaii, Samoa, Tonga, Niue and the Cook Islands.
Every Friday the whole group meets together but then splits apart to their group.
This year I was in the Niue group and it was awesome to learn about the different types of culture.
In Week 5 we preformed to the school and had to dress up.  

Thursday 1 September 2016

Why Maori Should Be Compulsory

In this work I had to right a speech about something relevant to me. I had share to share it to the class to go in the speech finals.  I choose this topic because it's important to me.
I found this work easy and hard because the facts were not always on my side.
Next time I need to work on speaking louder cause I lacked on tone of voice.

Fraction Problem

In this work we had to work of a blue maths book and choose a fraction problem to solve.
I found this work kind of easy because I knew my times tables and that's all I really needed.
Next time I need to work on making it easier to understand and working it out with more strategy's.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Samoan Language Week

Walt research acts about Samoa .
For Samoan language week we learnt about Samoa.  We read about it and had to look for facts to add to our slideshow.
I found this work imbeetwen because we learnt heaps of new facts about Samoa like how it was taken over but went Independent in 19
Next time I need to work on learning more types of words or phrases in Samoan.